
Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Hit The Buttone

Today I did my maths warm up for 10 minutes and this is my best score. Enjoy!!




This is my maths it was a bit hard but I think I got all of the right please tell me if I didn't. Hope you have enjoyed my blogging.

Narritive Writing


Today my class and I are having a break on Daily 5 and is starting up on Narritive Writing and the story was about a Shark Attack hope you have enjoyed whtat i am presenting to you all.


Today this was our challenge and I cam second with 47 words Helena came first with 48 words hope you have enjoyed my blog.


Work On Writing

Yesterday I had finished my Work On Writing 
                                          but I forgot to blog it so here it is now hope you enjoy.

Monday, 30 August 2021


The first challenge for this week is unscramble the words I think I got it all right hope you enjoy.



Today I was doing maths and it was a bit easy if I got any questions wrong please tell me hope you enjoy.



Today I was playing hit the button for 10 minutes and I was doing mixed again hope you enjoy.


Read 2 Self

Today I was reading to myself Trapped in a video game its when he got stuck in a video game but he had to win to get out of the video game.


Read 2 Someone


Today this guy was readint to me no more noisy nights hope you enjoy.

Listen 2 Reading


Today I was listening to The case of the missing carrot cake and it was interesting and it was cool hope you enjoy.

Friday, 27 August 2021

Challenge For Friday


Today my class was doing a challenge with puzzles and riddles and stuff like that and I finished it. It was hard but it was fun to hope you enjoy.

Thursday, 26 August 2021

hit the button


Today I finished all my work but I'm just doing hit the button so i can get better at my timestable and in plus so i can get some more points for school hope you enjoy.


 Today this was our challenge for today hope you enjoy. I didn't put my time in because I didn't finish it and I'm blogging it now because i finished but I didnt time myself.


 Today we had two students lead our class for the last meeting and we had to do word search and I know this isn't my best time but it was hard for me.

Word work


Today I finished my Word Work for Daily 5 hope you enjoy.

Read 2 Someone

 Today i was reading to epic this site and it was reading to me for daily 5.

Read 2 Self

 Today I was reading to myself for daily 5 and I was reading Kitty and Dragon Kitty Tidys Up. Hope you enjoy.


 Today this was my maths it was easy but if I got any questions wrong please tell me. hope you enjoy.

Work On Writing

Today the second thing that i did for daily 5 is Work on Writing Hope you enjoy.


Listen 2 Reading

The first thing that  did for daily 5 was Listen 2 Reading and the story that i was listening to was called Harry the dirty dog hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, 25 August 2021


 Today for maths i did Hit The Button and i got 34 its probably my highest score that I've recently got and its mixed timestable in one minute hope you enjoy.


 Today for school challenge we were doing guess the flag and i got all of them right hope you enjoy.


 Today my group for maths were doing fractions it was a bit hard for me enjoy,


Work on Writing

 Today i finished doing my work On Writing and i was doing this sinking once upon a picture hope you enjoy.

Listen 2 reading


Today Jaydon and I are leading the next google meet class and this is what we are doing for it hope you enjoy so this counts as Listen 2 reading because I was listening to Jaydon say the riddles to see if they were hard.

Read 2 Some1/Read 2 Self

Today this is an image of epic because I was reading to myself and I was reading anime on my phone because it was japanese and I read the subtitles.


Last Tech Class


Today this was the first time on google meet for tech and it was sad because it was our last class with Mrs Angel but some people might know her as Mrs Heka if you are in cooking class next than you are very lucky enjoy thanks to Mrs heka for this wonder term and teaching us how to cook.

Tuesday, 24 August 2021

Caleenge #2

Today we were doing work similar to yesterday but this time it is where in the world instead of guess the chocolate.


Work On Writing

Today for my learning this is what I did for WOW (Work on Writing). ENJOY!!


Read 2 Self

Today this picture is what I was reading and it is called Kitty And Dragon Kitty Gets A Cold you should read it. It is a good story go on epic and search it up if you do hope you enjoy.


Listen 2 Reading


Today for Daily 5 i did Listen 2 Reading it is similar to the one that I did yesterday but this one is a bit different hope you enjoy.

Monday, 23 August 2021

Hit The Button


Hi today I had did my hit the button mixed and I got 27 out of 27 it was easy hpe you enjoy.

Read 2 Someone


Today me and Logan were reading to each other for Read 2 Somone enjoy.

Guess The Chocolate

Today our challenge was to guess the chocolate and this was hard for me but my time was 1.55 seconds and I think that I came last



Today for learning this is what I did for maths it was a little challenging but it was alright hope you enjoy.


Work On Writing


This is the second thing that I had done for Work On Writing and this is the picture that I chose hope you enjoy what I've done

Listen 2 Reading

This is my first work for the second week of lockdown and this is my Listen 2 Reading hope you enjoy.


Friday, 20 August 2021

Soane Challenge #1


Todday we did a challenge that will make us get points the challenges were fun and exhausting hope you enjoy.


 Today I did my first maths wrk it was fun I learnt how to do it just by watching teacher tools on youtube enjoy.


Word Work


Today I finished my Word Work in two days hopefully you enjoy.

Clark The Shark

Today on story online was reading clark the shark and i was reading one or two pages back. It was a cool story enjoy. 


Work On Writing

This is my work on writing for daily 5 today hopefully you enjoy.


Listen 2 Reading

Today is the last day of school for the week but this is what I did for Listen 2 Reading. I think you should go on storyonline to try it.


Thursday, 19 August 2021

Word Work


This is my Word Work and I will be doing 3 activites each day and hopefully I can do more tomorow.

WOW (Work On Writing)

This is my Work On Writing for Daily 5 


Coal Thief

This is my L2R (Listen 2 Reading) the story that I was listening to coal thief it was pretty cool. 


Lilo And Stitch Wordsearch

Here is my other wordsearch this one was more easier then the other one I got 148 seconds you should try this one and try and beat my high score.


Lion King Wordsearch

Today I did my first work for home learning  and we had to do two wordsearchs and I did lion king and lilo and stitch. My time was 195 second i think you should give it a try and try and beat my high score.